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大杯茶芳香萬壽菊 鐵觀音茶菌(250毫升) TABOOCHA Copper Canyon Daisy Iron Goddess of Mercyi Kombucha (250ml)



採用本地有機種植芳香萬壽菊,配上豐富熱帶水果味的鐵觀音茶菌,第一啖入口,萬壽菊香味真係不得了!!😍一飲愛上!萬壽菊所帶出的熱情果、薄荷香味加上鐵觀音茶菌的獨特香氣,清新好味,飲完又想再飲!記住係期間限定!!衣家唔飲,要等下年萬壽菊季節先有得飲啦!🌳 [TABOOCHA 大杯茶] 是在香港本地釀造和裝瓶的KOMBUCHA。 使用有機茶和有機蔗糖小批量手工製作。 最初發酵1-2週後,加入冷榨果汁,新鮮香料和香草,以創造不同有趣而獨特的味道,健康美味。 - 香港新鮮手造 - 超過95%的製作材料都是天然有機 - 不含仼何添加劑 - 生機食物 - 純素 Vegan - 無麩質 Gluten Free 注意: 需要存放雪櫃 發酵茶在天然發酵過程中可能產生不多於0.5%的天然酒精,建議小朋友及長者於首次嘗試時試飲小杯,如沒有不適則可以安心飲用。 而孕婦及對酒精敏感人士,則不建議飲用以上產品。 產地﹕香港 Local organically grown Copper canyon daisy has a strong passionfruit and mint aroma, complementing the tropical fruit notes in our iron goddess of mercy kombucha 🌳 Tasting notes : passionfruit, mint, tropical fruits, floral finish Taboocha is the first kombucha brewery in Hong Kong. Unlike many imported brands, Taboocha is made with love by true locals who use ingredients such as ginger, goji berries, chrysanthemum, osmanthus and lychee to produce flavors that suit the local market. Organic & 100% Real Ingredients They insist on using organic tea leaves and organic raw cane sugar, 100% fresh and mostly local ingredients - fresh herbs, spices, cold pressed juices, made in our facility with no antiseptic, extract nor flavoring. Vegan & Raw Taboocha is made using 100% plant-based ingredients. They do not pasteurise their kombucha as it helps to ensure that healthy probiotics in our drinks are preserved raw and alive with active probiotics for healthy digestion. Animal & Earth Friendly Caring for our ruff-ly companions and all living creatures at large, Taboocha donates $1 to dog charities for every returned bottle, playing a small part in environmental and animal rights protection. Place of Origin: Hong Kong
