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Corilu 焗意大利Piemonte IGP 榛子碎 (200克/500克)Corilu Roasted Piemonte IGP Hazelnut (200g/500g)
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Corilu是第一家品牌由栽種到客人手上的產品都是一手包辦的,保證榛子達到最高的標準。有IGP 認證的榛子進一步確認了特定產區的優良品質。Piemonte 本身係慢食運動的起源地,醞釀著傳統美食的特色美食,該地種植榛子已經超過500年歷史,Piemonte IGP榛子更被譽為全球品質第一。 榛子在去殼和初選後,會在專用焗爐中烘烤; 這一步,除了去除榛子的外皮,消除產品中天然存在的少量水分外,烘焙更是增強獨特風味和香氣的基本步驟。 經過進一步的人工挑選,榛子立即被真空包裝,以保持香氣和香味,用來配雪糕、甜品或沙律,簡直係錦上添花!!! 榛子除咗好味,重好有益: 👍🏻 榛子含有豐富的蛋白質、不飽和脂肪、維他命B群、維他命E 和人體所需的8種氨基酸,其含量遠遠高過核桃;榛子中各種微量元素如鈣、磷、鐵含量也高於其他堅果。 👍🏻它的維他命E含量高達36%,能有效地延緩衰老,防治血管硬化,潤澤皮膚 👍🏻含有豐富的纖維素,有助消化和防治便秘 👍🏻榛子還具有降低膽固醇的作用,避免了肉類中飽和脂肪酸對身體的危害,能夠有效地防止心腦血管疾病; 👍🏻 榛子裡鎂、鈣和鉀等微量元素的含量很高,有助於調整血壓。 - 100% 天然 - 全素 - 無麩質及低升糖指素食品 產地:意大利 IGP Piemonte hazelnut The variety of hazelnut grown in Piedmont is the Tonda Gentile Trilobata, whose production is concentrated in the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria, in an area between the hills of the Langhe, Roero and Monferrato. The IGP Piemonte Hazelnut denomination guarantees users and consumers the quality and authenticity of the product. The IGP Piemonte Hazelnut is particularly appreciated by the confectionery industry for its qualitative parameters such as: spheroidal shape of the seed, excellent taste and aroma after roasting, high peelability and good shelf life. For these reasons, the IGP Piemonte Hazelnut is universally known as the best in the world! Toasted and meticulously selected IGP Piedmont hazelnuts: It is an excellent product which constitutes an extraordinary complement to the daily diet thanks to its energy, fiber and good fat content which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Hazelnut are carefully selected 100% natural and agricultural product Gluten free and low glycemic index After shelling and the first selection, the hazelnuts are roasted in special ovens; this step, in addition to eliminating the skin of the hazelnuts, naturally increases their shelf life, eliminating the little water naturally present in the product. Furthermore, roasting is a fundamental step to enhance unique flavors and aromas. After a further manual selection, the hazelnuts are immediately vacuum-packed to maintain aromas and fragrance. Place of Origin: Piemonte in Italy
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