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[Naturally Thinking] 玫瑰花水 Rose Floral Water (250ml)



玫瑰花水是一種美麗的純露,優雅且有舒緩效果,有助於緩解發紅和發炎的皮膚。 天然玫瑰花水是一種溫和的清潔和爽膚產品,適合所有皮膚類型。此外,玫瑰水還能維持 pH 平衡、刺激皮膚再生、鎮靜粉刺和曬傷,促進皮膚健康和彈性。 而且還具有舒緩神經、改善情緒和心理狀態的功效。 *不含任何防腐劑及酒精。 產地:保加利亞 注意:懷孕期間避免使用,不能服食。 - 請存放在陰涼、黑暗的地方,遠離陽光直射和高溫地方,以保持其品質。 - 可以倒入深色噴樽,方便使用。 Rose Floral Water is a beautiful hydrolat that is elegant and soothing to the skin, helping with reddened and inflamed skin. The natural Rosewater is a gently cleansing and toning product for all skin types. In addition, Rosewater maintains pH balance, stimulates skin regeneration, and calms acne and sunburns. Promotes healthy and elastic skin. Rose also offers a soothing property to the nerves and emotional and psychological state of mind. Country of Origin: Bulgaria This floral water is preservative-free and alcohol-free Contraindications: Avoid During Pregnancy. Not for internal consumption. Proper storage is pivotal to the longevity of flower water. Keep it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and fluctuations in temperature, to uphold its botanical integrity. A mindful approach to preservation elevates the experience, ensuring that each application is as potent and pure as nature intended.


關於 Naturally Thinking

他們自 2000 年起一直供應精油,並自 2004 年起開始在英國種植薰衣草。他們自家農場種植薰衣草、薄荷、鼠尾草、羅勒、洋甘菊、百里香和迷迭香。並與很多其他很多歐洲和亞洲的種植者有著密切的合作關係。


除了精油之外,他們還種植和提取 100 多種不同的植物萃取物,從不起眼的蒲公英到牛蒡根、紫錐菊和金盞花。這些植物的萃取物和植物成分用於生產護膚產品。






他們致力於整個內部生產過程的節能和自供電。到 2019 年底,我們的目標是透過結合太陽能、地源和空氣源熱泵來生產生產和種植所需的所有能源。


Naturally Thinking have close relationships with growers throughout Europe and Asia and uniquely they grow their own Essential Oils and Botanicals in the UK

Naturally Thinking have been supplying essential oils since 2000 and have been involved with Lavender growing in the UK since 2004. In 2015 they planted first fields to produce their essential oils in the UK. They are growing Lavender, Peppermint, Sage, Basil, Chamomile, Thyme, and rosemary on their farm in Surrey.

Their experience in sourcing the finest oils from across Europe and Asia, coupled with knowledge of farming botanical oils and extracts, makes them a unique Aromatherapy and Essential Oil supplier, offering you direct access to essential oils, cutting out the middle man, increasing freshness and provenance, they know where everything they sell came from.

In addition to essential oils, they are cultivating and extracting over 100 different plant extracts, from the humble Dandelion to Burdock Root, Echinacea and Calendula. The extracts and botanicals from these plants are used in the skincare products.


Environment, Ethics, Sustainability and

As growers and importers of pure oils and botanicals, we have a responsibility to the land, workers and environment. As skincare producers, we produce with ethics and of course, never use ingredients tested on animals. Our products have never been tested on animals.

Our close relationship with growers allows us to ensure that the way ingredients are grown respects both the environment and the workers involved.

Many essential oils come from environmentally fragile landscapes (such as Patchouli grown on terraces in Indonesia). Growers must manage the soil to stop erosion and the subsequent risk to animal and human life. We work with growers that are passionate about quality but also are there for the long term rather than quick money.

We do not buy Sandalwood from India, the crop being worth so much, it has been the subject of illegal trading and hardship. Despite the fact that government attempts at regulation, the situation has never been entirely transparent. As a result, our Sandalwood comes from a beautiful plantation in Australia, where true Indian Sandalwood is grown sustainably and reliably.

We have worked towards our entire in-house production process being energy efficient and self-powering. By the end of 2019, we aim to produce all of the energy we require for production and growing by combining Solar Power, Ground Source and Air Source Heat Pumps.


